Dear Sir,
I am Secretary of Lodge Hillcrest 363 in Hamilton, New Zealand. I have been receiving through e-mail your Masonic Forum regularly.
I produce for my Lodge members, of which there is 65 members, a 16 page booklet each month, known as our Monthly Notice paper, and of
which I send out some 95 copies to not only my own Lodge members, but to many other Lodges and brthren that enjoy the booklet, and have
requested a copy.
So my booklet is not only a Notice Paper, but has become a source of information on many, many Masonic subjects.
To that end, I contact you to enquire to get permission to copy and print articles as I see that might be of interest to my Lodge brethren.
What I am asking is for an overall permission, as many of the articles I read are far to long for my booklet, and of course, they do not suit the
New Zealand form of Masonry. So you can imagine, as I read your many articles as produced, I wish to copy those that I would consider suitable,
and not have to contact you every time I saw something I would want to copy.
Is this possible.?
I have the thinking that there is so much interesting information in the many articles you produce in the Masonic Forum that it is a shame that more people
cannot have the oportunity to read them. This I would like to do.
Kind regards, and fraternally.
Graham Hallam PM.
Lodge Hillcrest 363
New Zealand.