I have been researching Traditional Observance (TO) Masonry. I have discovered several very informative links, and met some individuals who belong to these types of lodges. I must say I am very impressed with what I have learned. I may be useful, in helping get one of these lodges started, sometime in the future.
What I would like to do, is to connect with Masons, around the USA (and elsewhere), who participate in these lodges. I am also interested in meeting Masons who have set up these lodges, and have experience with the hassles and problems inherent therein.
Maybe some of you, have never heard of a lodge, where all of the men wear tuxedos (some wear full formal, white tie, and tails). Meetings are held in strict protocol, it takes a minimum of one (1) year to complete a degree. Dues range from $250-$500 per year. Candidates are subject to intense and careful scrutiny, prior to acceptance. Even visitation, is strictly controlled, visitors must get permission from the WM, at least 2-3 days in advance, prior to attending.
Members have to research various topics, and deliver presentations in lodge. After-lodge dining is called an "agape", where meals are taken in a formal setting. there ain't no spaghetti on paper plates!
If you would like to discuss this topic, I would enjoy hearing from you.