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Post UGLA? 
In The Future: Advancing Masonic Morality in both Natural Philosophy and Geometry, written by Jeff Peace, the article is certainly attention grabber as the title suggests a subject that could have shed further light to the study we know as Freemasonry. The use of key words such as morality, philosophy and geometry as the title succeeded in drawing attention and curiosity. Reading on, one could not help but realized that the piece was about promoting the “United Grand Lodge of America.”

The repeated use of “Free-Masonry” in place of normally used “Freemasonry” raises the question of the purpose and motive of the writer. Skirting legal issues? The article audaciously proclaimed that the old tradition is lifeless and that “guarded secret” should be given to the “rightful inheritance of humanity as a whole,” and it is “time to restore this gift to its rightful owners.” Abandoning tradition for the sake of what? More members therefore, more paid dues?

For someone with daring to proclaim that the past--- the traditions is dead and those who clings to that notion “… will die with it,” is a sad conclusion which could only come from someone who seems to be at loss of understanding of what the Craft is all about. A system whose aim is to make good men to be a better man is alive. What appears to be dying is the comprehension of who we are and what purpose Freemasonry exists.

For further thoughts on the subject.

On the level.
By the plumb,
Upon the Square.


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The use of the term "Free-Masonry" (as opposed to "Freemasonry") is not necessarly a legal issue (though there IS a law in New York State against improper use of established fraternal symbols), though I suppose it could be. It is certainly a promotional piece, and it was brought to my attention some time ago. I do have my own theory as to Mr. Peace's approach...

The term "Free-Masonry" was used in the late seventeenth century right up through at least the early 19th century alongside "Freemasonry" (this being evident in several period manuscripts I've seen online and elsewhere). The hyphenated variant connotes the age of Enlightenment, when Freemasonry was more actively concerned with philosophy, morals, and politics rather than community service and charity. In many lodges across the US, there seems to be a "generation gap" (in some cases real, in many imagined) in which younger Masons aren't "getting what they joined for". Citing a lack of esoterica, meaningful presentations/work, reluctance on the part of older brothers to accept new ideas as well as the "opening up" of masonry through overt and often controversial publicity campaigns (ie the one day classes and the slogan "2B1Ask1"), they have become disillusioned with the craft. Many (like myself) seek out other lodges where younger Masons' ideas are welcomed, and/or where younger Masons are actually in charge. Some, on the other hand, have broken off entirely and have formed clandestine organizations such as the UGLA. Taking a more "18th century" approach, they aim to lure young Masons in by "offering" what regular Masonry allegedly cannot.

Of course, we all know the Craft is made up of individuals, and it is up to us all to change things for the better. Whatever the state of regular Masonry is today, the founding of "substitute" organizations is certainly not the answer. Clandestine organizations like the UGLA have come and gone over the years. In the end, if younger Masons seek that which they feel their lodges aren't giving them, it is better to bring it all up here than risk all and join a clandestine organization...

"Ad Astra Per Aspera"

Forest Hills Community Lodge No. 946
Queens, NYC, New York

Scottish Rite Valley of Long Island
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Post Point of view about the UGLA 
Dear brothers, I don`t really understand what is all about with the UGLA. I understand that it wants to be a kind of substitute organization for the Freemasonry. Founden by younger Masons and it`s goal can be the "opening up" to the public. But I wonder, the "younger Masons" were introduced to Freemasonry in regular Lodges, where they learned the "secrets" or the "work" (if I am not a Mason, I can`t know for sure what knowledge they gained from the time spent in a regular Lodge) from the "older Masons" and in the old and "traditional" ways, so why do they try to change everything?
What I am trying to say is that the Craft proved it can survive very well in time in the "traditional" way. I don`t see the reason for a change. Maybe a reason for what is happening can be found in a very good article worte by brother Rudy and called "Not 4 Everybody". In my country a man has to wait a lot of time (sometimes years) and probably he has to pass a lot of unknown exams, before he has the chance to be received in the Freemasonry and maybe this way when he really joins the Freemasonry he is really ready and he really knows what to expect from the Craft.

In my point of view, and this is the oppinion of a simple man, a Lodge is good to be formed by "older Masons" and an equal or smaller number of "younger Masons", in this case the younger Masons could have always someone to guide them and to give them the answers or to guide them to the right path to find the answers to their questions.

I hope I didn`t misunderstood the topic and I`m not trying to judge anything or anybody, it`s just a point of view and please excuse me if I offence someone.

Sincerely yours,

P.S.: and please excuse my english if I make any mistakes.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
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Freemasonry gave us the science of charting our individual journey to our Faith. We did not embarked on this passage thinking of what the general public thought about the notion. Permission was not asked nor demanded, the trip is of its “…own freewill and accord…” Perception could be unnecessary baggage to be best left ashore.

The Fraternity should not get involved with public promotional schemes in order to influence the public perception. Instead, support should be given to the Brethren and their Lodges then let their actions speak for themselves and the Craft we are so proud of.

Our institution will continue to be relevant as long as good men have a heart to practice the science and art of erecting temple within him. And my Brothers that is what the Degrees are all about.

For full text of Degrees in Freemasonry:

And to you my dear friend Alex, I say again to "...wait a time with patience..." Smile


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This is an irregular body under the aegis of the "Masonic High Council/Regular Grand Lodge of England" started by Rui Gabirro who lives in Dover, UK and was expelled from UGLE about a year ago. DOn't take it seriously, it's all a load of poppycock, codswallop or bullshit!

You can get the lowdown on it at a website based in America and very good value.

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Post UGLA 
Bro Keith,
Thanks for the link. One cant help himself smiling if not laughing after reading the article on UGLA. Being a recipient of a number of not-so-friendly emails from the UGLA founder himself and some of his followers after writing my commentary, I can relate to the article of the owner of I have a very limited information regarding RGLE therefore will avoid making comment on the subject and if I contemplate to make some, your humble brother will ensure to ask your permission to quote your line eg. poppycock, codwallop and that familiar yankee adjective "bullshit." LOL....

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I hold no copyright on the terms I used. They were just what came to mind as being an accurate description and appropriate for the situation! I have displeased Rui myself often enough in the past, no doubt I shall do so again in the future

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